Undertaking Community Service
What sort of work will I be doing?
Community Service can involve a variety of tasks and you will be expected to work either as part of a group or on your own. Your Community Service placement will be decided by the Community Service Team.
After you have been sentenced, you will be assessed for working on either a supervised work party or an individualised placement. Your particular skills and abilities will be taken into account where possible.
Individual placements include work at charity shops and community projects. The hours of working for individual placements vary to suit the needs of the beneficiaries.
What is expected of me?
To successfully complete the Community Service Order you must:
- not re-offend
- attend your Community Service at the specified time and place
- notify the Community Service Team if your address or other circumstances change
- complete all the hours ordered by the court
- not leave Jersey without the permission of the Community Service Team
- abide by the rules of the Community Service scheme
- expect to begin work as soon as possible after the Community Service Order is made
- complete your order as required by the Community Service Team
- work a total of at least 5 hours each week
What are the rules when I undertake my Community Service?
When undertaking the Community Service Order you must:
- Obey all work instructions given to you
- not be absent without prior permission
- provide a medical certificate within two working days if unwell
- not attend under the influence of either alcohol or drugs
- not behave in an abusive or violent way
- not use offensive language or behaviour
- not use a mobile phone
- comply with all Health and Safety rules
There will be additional rules you will be asked to follow depending on your work placement. These are explained to you at your first interview.
You may be returned to Court for failing or refusing to co-operate in any way; this is known as being in breach, if you break your Community Service rules.
If there has been a significant change in an offender’s circumstances, the Order can be returned to Court for a review.
Satisfactory completion of the Order
When your hours have been completed satisfactorily, your Order is discharged by the Chief Probation Officer.