Probate Registry services and fees
Probate Registry services
- granting Probate and Letters of Administration
- overseeing the Curatorship system
Probate Registry fees
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Note that this list is intended as a guide only to the most common applications. It is not exhaustive. If any query arises, Stamp Duties and Fees (Jersey) Law 1998 as amended - Part III of the Schedule should be referred to. The fees listed came into effect on the 1 January 2013.
Such fees and percentages as may be determined by the Royal Court in each particular case
Item | Stamp duty |
1. ACTIONS – | |
(a) Billet à la Table or Billet au Greffe, first Billet in the cause | £80 |
(b) Where the court fixes a special day for the hearing or trial the following additional fee shall be paid, for each half day or part of a half day. | £500 |
2. CAVEATS, for the entry or renewal of a caveat | £80 |
3. COPIES – | |
(a) Photographic copies, for each sheet photographed | £1 |
(b) Typewritten or written copies, for each page | £15 |
(c) Sealed and certified copies | £30 |
4. DOCUMENT (including will) lodged au Greffe, for each document | £80 |
5. EVIDENCE – | |
(a) taken in writing before the Viscount, for each half day or part of a half day | £500 |
(b) Copy of transcript of, for each page | £15 |
6. ORDER OF JUSTICE, signature of Bailiff | £60 |
7. APPLICATIONS, for drawing up, perusing and settling and administering oaths, affidavits or other documents in addition to the stamp duty chargeable under item 9 of this Part | At discretion of Greffier subject to a maximum of £500 |
8. INTERVENTIONS OR OPPOSITIONS in a probate action | £80 |
(1) if the net value of the personal estate is sworn – | |
(a) Not to exceed £10,000 | |
(b) Not to exceed £100,000 | £50 for each £10,000 or part of £10,000 |
(c) To exceed £100,000 but not to exceed £13,360,000 | £500 in respect of the first £100,000, plus £75 for each additional £10,000 or part thereof |
(d) To exceed £13,360,000 | £100,000 |
(2) in all cases under this item – | |
(a) in the case of a professional application. | £80 |
(b) in any other case. | £200 |
(a) Presentation to the Court of | £80 |
(b) Where the Court fixes a special day for the hearing, for each half day or part of a half day | £500 |
11. SEARCHES in the Probate Registry, for each half hour | £30 |
12. SUMMONSES – | |
(a) Summoning or attempting to summon a party, and record | £200 |
(b) Summoning a witness, and record | £200 |
13. TRUST CORPORATIONS, authorization of | £500 |
(a) Attendances to obtain particulars of the estate and attendances with the Greffier to obtain administration, for each half day or part of a half day | £500 |
(b) Preparation of the inventory, for each half day or part of a half day | |
(c) Administration of the estate | |
(i) commission on the gross nature of the personal estate – | |
on the first £5,000 (£10,000 from 1/1/12) | 10% |
on the next £5,000 (£10,000 from 1/1/12) | 5% |
on the next £10,000 (£10,000 from 1/1/12) | 4% |
on the balance in excess of £20,000 (£30,000 from 1/1/12) | 2% |
(ii) commission on all monies paid or distributed | 2.5% |
(d) Attendances of the Viscount not provided above, for each half day or part of a half day | £500 |
(a) Application to deal with interdict's property (Article 43(17)) | |
(i) in the case of a professional application | £80 Court Stamps and £40 Jurats Stamps |
(ii) in the case of any other | £200 Court Stamps and £40 Jurats Stamps |