About the Viscount's Department
The Viscount's Department is responsible for executing orders made by the Royal Court of Jersey, as well as certain other activities set out in statute.
These activities include serving summonses and other legal documents on members of the public, making wage arrests, executing evictions, as well as other general enforcement duties. These will include enforcing asset freezing (or saisie) and confiscation orders, holding third party assets on the orders of the Royal Court.
We are responsible for assembling the juries for Assize trials, creating and maintaining jury lists, liaising with potential jury members and having charge of conduct of the juries during a trial. We carry out the duties of Coroner, administering inquests.
On insolvency matters, the Department administers désastres (bankruptcies), as well as assisting with other insolvency procedures. We act as delegate of last resort, where no-one else is able or willing to fulfil that role, and we also undertake a regulatory and supervisory function for private delegates and attorneys under the lasting power of attorney regime.
Functions of the Viscount's Department
Viscount: Advocate Mark Harris