Public Registry Records
Public Registry records
The Public Registry are responsible for the following records, some of which date back to 1506.
Property deeds
Deeds of property date back as far as 1602. Books prior to 1800 are now held at the Jersey Archive Centre. Records from 1800 onwards can be found by searching on the Public Registry Online system which is based in the Registry.
Registration of partages - (division of an estate)
It did not become obligatory until 1840 to register a partage. Until modern times a partage was usually indexed solely under the names of the heirs who were dividing the estate between them and not under the name of the deceased.
Wills of immovable estate
There were no wills of real property in Jersey prior to 1851 and it was not until 1926 that it became possible to freely dispose by will of inherited family property.
Powers of attorney, tutelles and curatelles
These documents are also available in the Public Registry. A tutelle is a formal mechanism implemented to safeguard the financial interests of a minor who, typically, inherits immovable or movable property. A delegate is a formal mechanism implemented to safeguard the financial interests of someone who has become incapable of managing their own affairs.
Searches and photocopies
To conduct a search in the Public Registry telephone: +44 (0) 1534 441318 to book an appointment or attend at the main Public Library, which has access to the Public Registry system.
Public Registry services, fees and Stamp Duty
Request for copies can be made by attending or writing to the Public Registry office, Judicial Greffe.
When requesting copies complete the search form. Copies cannot be provided without the name of at least one of the parties concerned. The address of the property is also very helpful.
Requests for searches must give us the full names of at least one of the parties, the approximate date and again as above if it concerns property an address is very helpful.