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Fees for Family Division legal services

Services we offer

Services provided by the Family Division include:

  • filing petitions and administration of applications for divorce
  • hearing summonses and making ancillary orders in matrimonial causes
  • assessing maintenance in other family matters
  • preparing and submitting applications for adoption and processing subsequent paperwork

Our fees

This list is intended as a guide only. Read Part II of the Regulations if you have any questions.

Stamp Duties and Fees (Jersey) Law 1998 on Jersey Law

You may now pay fees by debit or credit card at the Family Court Reception.

Matrimonial and civil partnership proceedings fees

1Application for leave to file petition in matrimonial proceedings or apply for dissolution of civil partnership£330
2Instituting proceedings to include filing a petition in matrimonial proceedings or a cause application in civil partnership proceedings: 
(a)following grant of application for leave to file petition for divorce or a cause application in civil partnership proceedings£130
(b)in any other case£330
3Filing amended or second or subsequent matrimonial petition or civil partnership cause application£90
4Filing answer to petition in matrimonial proceedings or a cause application in civil partnership proceedings (including cross petition/application)£220
5Hearing defended cause - for each half day or part of a half day£400
6Filing an application to make a decree nisi absolute or a conditional order in a civil partnership final£45
7Financial orders:- 
(a)Application for consent order£45
(b)Application other than for consent order – Filing summons or Form 16, fixing date, or signing copy for service for preliminary directions hearing £165£165
(c)Any application, summons or notice of intention to proceed with application for ancillary relief not falling within (a) or (b)£90
8Contested hearing before the court for each half day or part of a half day£400
9Contested hearing before the court for each half day or part of a half day£130
10Appeals, hearing by the Court of any appeal£400
11Commission for examination of witnesses abroad, issue of£65
12Letters of request:- 
(a)for service of process out of Jersey£65
(b)for the examination of witnesses abroad£65
(a)taking of in writing by Viscount, for each half day or part or a half day£550
(b)copy of transcript of, for each page£16
14Service or attempted service by Viscount, each party served (or attempted to serve)At discretion of Viscount subject to a maximum of £220
15Taxing bill of costs, for each half hour£65
16Copy Decree Nisi, Decree Absolute or other Act of Court, Memorandum of Agreement or other document, for each Act or document£35

Children (Jersey) Law 2002 fees

No court fee is chargeable when filing a Parental Responsibility Agreement.

ArticleDescription of application typeFee
5Parental responsibility£130
7 (1)Appointment of guardians£130
8 (7)Revocation of appointment of guardian£130
10Contact order; a prohibited steps order, a residence order; or a specific issue order.£130
14 (1)Change of child’s surname or removal from jurisdiction£130
15Financial provision£130
67Applications for directions made on Form C2£130